How to Make a Decision with God’s Blessing

How to Make a Decision with God’s Blessing

Decisions are a fact of life. Some are easy; some are hard. If you want to make a good decision—one that has God’s blessing on it—then put these five steps into practice. Whether your decision is of the small, everyday variety or a bigger life issue, you can make it a...
God Has A Plan For Your Success

God Has A Plan For Your Success

Of all the success secrets anyone has ever come up with, there’s one that tops them all. It can make you prosperous when the entire world economy is in trouble. It can keep you safe in the most dangerous places. If you’ll live by it, it will not only protect you,...
4 Ways to Expand Your Vision

4 Ways to Expand Your Vision

Have you ever been challenged to think bigger? To dream larger? To expect more than you’re in the habit of expecting? When you respond to such a challenge, you call it “raising your sights.” God is in the habit of issuing challenges like that. And knowing how to...