Your 10-Day Spiritual Action Plan for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety & Depression

$19.00 (Shipping Included)

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Product Description

Peace of mind. Security. Confidence. Love.

Sound like just a dream? No matter what your circumstances, you can experience a life filled with these and more when you get a deeper revelation of God’s goodness. Worry, fear, dread or hopelessness can give way to faith and peace when you understand the vastness of God’s love for you and the provision already available to you.


No matter what the reason, you can be free and enjoy a life filled with God’s peace! Kenneth and Gloria Copeland reveal how you can be delivered from destructive mindsets and enjoy true peace in your spirit, soul—mind, will and emotions—and body. Discover the simple plan in this interactive LifeLine Kit that will lead you, step by step, into the life you’ve dreamed of—free from stress, anxiety and/or depression, or any other emotional hindrance.


This LifeLine Kit includes uncompromised, detailed teaching about overcoming stress, anxiety and/or depression, with practical application segments on subjects ranging from sleep patterns to food choices. It also includes a CD filled with scriptures to stand on every day, read by Kenneth Copeland; worship music to keep your focus on exercising faith for your freedom; and DVD teaching targeted to keep you on track with The WORD. Finally, Faith in Action cards to give you a connection point with the materials.


Follow this simple and practical 10-Day Spiritual Action Plan to discover a whole new world of God’s peace and freedom. Experience His plan for a life of peace, joy and rest.