The Love Factor – Living Life Without Fear

$25.00 (Shipping Included)

Product Description

“It’s not understanding more about fear. It’s understanding more about love.” —Kenneth Copeland

Love is the most powerful thing on earth. Love and fear are opposite forces but love doesn’t just cover up fear—it flushes it out completely. As you allow the love of God to fill you, it will cast out all fear and cleanse you until you have uncontaminated faith.

In The Love Factor, Kenneth Copeland reveals:

● How perfected love casts out fear
● That you have received the spirit of adoption and are no longer in bondage to fear
● How to recognize the voice of love and distinguish the voice of caution from the voice of fear
● How fear gets in and contaminates your faith
● Why fear drives God away
● Why fear-based prayer is disastrous

Receiving from God is easy. It’s just a matter of removing what’s keeping you from receiving. Because you’ve not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. So, fear not—believe only. Factor in God’s love and make the decision to live life without fear.