Living in Heaven’s Blessings Now

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Product Description

If you are a believer, even though you are in this natural world, you do not belong to this natural world’s order. You are a citizen of heaven, and privileged to live in that kingdom—now.

That means you can enjoy many of the benefits of heaven right here on earth. You can live your life in love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and victory. You can also bring those kingdom blessings to others who are still under the dominion of darkness.

In this minibook by Gloria Copeland, you’ll discover your role in manifesting the kingdom of God in the natural realm. Learn how to exercise the dominion of that kingdom, and demonstrate it so others can experience the reality of it and become citizens of God’s kingdom themselves!

Find out how God’s Word can take your life from average to supernatural in Living in Heaven’s Blessings Now!


By Gloria Copeland

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