His Higher Ways Digital BK


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Product Description

The power of patience is a working power. When faith has a tendency to waver, it is patience that comes to faith’s aid to make it stand. The power of patience is necessary to your faith.

Discover the conquering combination that can put you over the top every time. Learn how to wait…without wavering. To perse

God has a system at work in the lives of His children. In her new book His Higher Ways, Gloria Copeland gives clear biblical understanding of His system of higher ways of doing and being!

People all around us are talking negatively. They’re speaking fear and doom, and they have no answers. When we turn on the news, all we hear is bad news and warnings that things are just going to get worse. And in a sense, they’re right. Things will get worse in this world before Jesus returns, because this world is yielding to the devil and he’s taking things downhill.

But thank God, as believers, we are not of this world! We’re from above, so we can live in an entirely different system. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 6, we can seek first the kingdom of God and His way of doing and being right. We can fill our hearts and our mouths with His words, and mount up on wings like eagles by living in God’s higher ways.

Gloria Copeland has lived in God’s system for decades and knows it works because it has always worked for her, and her family, since the days she began to live in it.

Discover God’s system today—His Higher Ways—and get on track to live the life only He can provide. It’s the life He has for you to live every day!

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Digital Book

Gloria Copeland

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