How to Make a Decision with God’s Blessing

How to Make a Decision with God’s Blessing

Decisions are a fact of life. Some are easy; some are hard. If you want to make a good decision—one that has God’s blessing on it—then put these five steps into practice. Whether your decision is of the small, everyday variety or a bigger life issue, you can make it a...

Are You Afraid of the Devil?

Are You Afraid of the Devil?

Are you afraid of the devil? Do you fear that the devil can destroy you at any given moment? Well, if you are a born-again, Holy Spirit baptized, Bible-believing Christian, you don’t have to be scared of him. In fact, he should be scared of you. If you are living a...

Keep Your Eyes On The Word

Keep Your Eyes On The Word

If you want to maintain the spirit of faith, you’ll quit considering the natural impossibilities that might be piling up around you this very moment. God is not sweating them, so neither should you. Ken and I have found that out by experience! More than 45 years ago,...

God Has A Plan For Your Success

God Has A Plan For Your Success

Of all the success secrets anyone has ever come up with, there’s one that tops them all. It can make you prosperous when the entire world economy is in trouble. It can keep you safe in the most dangerous places. If you’ll live by it, it will not only protect you,...

How to Overcome Trouble

How to Overcome Trouble

As a believer, you don’t go around expecting bad things to happen to you. Because you know God loves you and you trust His Word, you’re always expecting something good! Yet as long as you live in this fallen world, from time to time trouble will come knocking on your...

The Secret to Getting Ahead

The Secret to Getting Ahead

The race is on—at school, in the office, at home. The world over, people are revving their mental engines in hopes of getting ahead. Fueled by intelligence, ambition and a dozen different formulas for success, they pull ahead for a few laps. But, as circumstances...

Don’t Stand On The Sidelines

Don’t Stand On The Sidelines

Over the last year, I’ve realized that I had some wrong attitudes about directions the Lord has given me. For a while now, the Lord has laid things on my heart that He wanted me to do and instead of stepping out and doing them immediately, I took the attitude, “One...

Living In The Safe Place

Living In The Safe Place

Since the day I was born again, I have realized the end times has always been a subject of in-depth teaching and serious discussion by both Christians and non-Christians. I am one of those who has dug into God’s Word to learn all I can about the subject, and I have...

When Trouble Comes

When Trouble Comes

No one in their right mind goes looking for trouble. Especially believers, and particularly people of faith. Because we love God and believe His Word, we don’t go around expecting bad things to happen to us. We’re always expecting something good! Yet, because we live...

3 Guarantees God Will Answer Your Prayers

3 Guarantees God Will Answer Your Prayers

Are all your needs met today? If not, why not? I could ask a thousand believers that question, and most of them would just shake their heads bewildered. “I don’t know, Brother Copeland,” they’d say. “No matter what I do this illness, these financial problems, these...

Is God’s Love Shining Through You?

Is God’s Love Shining Through You?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control. − Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) If you want to know whether God’s love is shining through you, look to see if you are exhibiting these nine...

Never Settle For Normal Again!

Never Settle For Normal Again!

It happens all the time. People get born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then they go back to living what the world might call a “normal” life. They have no idea of the magnitude of what’s happened to them. About all they know is they can speak in tongues...

7 Keys to Make the Supernatural Your Natural

7 Keys to Make the Supernatural Your Natural

In 1977, Kenneth Hagin Sr. gave a prophecy that changed my life. It painted a picture of the end-time Church and helped me grasp the magnitude of God’s will for the Body of Christ. Brother Hagin prophesied that the Church “will rise up as a spiritual giant, and there...

Living With Authority

Living With Authority

As new creations we have been put in a position of power and authority– a position delegated to us by God through Jesus Christ. Along with that authority come certain responsibilities. I want us to examine God’s Word concerning that position and the authority we have...

4 Ways to Expand Your Vision

4 Ways to Expand Your Vision

Have you ever been challenged to think bigger? To dream larger? To expect more than you’re in the habit of expecting? When you respond to such a challenge, you call it “raising your sights.” God is in the habit of issuing challenges like that. And knowing how to...

Your Divine Calling

Your Divine Calling

Have you ever wondered exactly what you’re supposed to be doing with your life? Have you ever longed to know your divine calling? If so, pay close attention because I’m about to tell you. In the next few pages, I’m going to show you straight from the pages of God’s...

The Power of a Grateful Heart

The Power of a Grateful Heart

I was mad at my legs.  I was mad at the devil and anyone who came near me. And I hadn’t slept in days.  It was just after Labor Day 2004, and I was at the height of one of the most intense battles for healing I’d ever fought.  A few days earlier I had ruptured a disc...