Doing Greater Works Together! – 2014 Video Partner Report

See how KCM and Partners impacted the world in 2014!

In 2014, more than 2 million people accepted Jesus as Lord through KCM and the ministries we support worldwide!

Will You Say Yes to Partnership?

God has called us to stand together! Through Partnership, we maximize our impact for the Kingdom. See why more than 377,000 Christians have joined with us…and how you can, too!

Click here to learn more.

Read the report: 2014 Covenant Partner Report (PDF)

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How to Pray the Prayer of Faith

How to Pray the Prayer of Faith

Q: I’ve heard people talk about “the prayer of faith” but I’m not sure I understand how to pray the prayer of faith. Would you please explain it to me?  A: To understand how to pray the prayer of faith we need first of all to understand what faith is, and Hebrews 11:1...

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Good Plans for a Bright Future

There’s so much bad news being broadcast these days, I sometimes think I should tape a copy of Jeremiah 29:11 to every remote control in our house. That way, every time I turn on the television and see the latest negative reports and dire forecasts being touted by the...

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