BIB100 Bible Study Methods – 1 Unit
This course provides an overview of methods, key tools and specific resources used in Biblical study. Students will be equipped for personal spiritual growth and ministry as they become more acquainted with knowing God through His Word, understanding the language of the Bible and discovering how to rightly divide the whole Word of God. Parables, figurative language, historical context and prophecy are some of the topics included in this course designed to promote proper exegesis of the Bible.
BIB101 Old Testament Survey – 3 Units
This course is designed as a historical survey of the Old Testament with special attention given to the people and land which are the foundation of our faith. Exploration of God’s Creation, the fall of man and the line of redemption from the patriarchs to the Word that became Flesh, will provide a pathway for the connection between the Old and New Testaments. This overview will assist students in deepening their concept of Old Testament stories, examples, lineage and their necessary application for successful living today.
BIB102 New Testament Survey – 3 Units
Knowing the context scripture was written in can make the difference between truth and error. This course is a study of New Testament events from an historic, economic and religious background, identifying the rise of Christianity. Emphasis will be given to the context and authorship of the books, their themes and their relevance to the modern church.Journey through the fulfillment of the promised Messiah, the beginnings of the Great Commission, the development and discipleship of the early Church and the foretelling of the soon coming King.
BIB106 Prayer I – 1 Unit
Brother Kenneth E. Hagin said that some things about prayer are taught and some things are better caught. This class provides instruction forthings taught and demonstrations in prayer of what must be caught. Both will be presented as they pertain to the governing principles of all kinds of prayer. Prayer that is alive contains elements of fellowship, as well as the privilege of doing Kingdom Business with God. There is nothing that cannot be prevented, changed, or overcome through the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man.
BIB107 Christ the Healer – 1 Unit
This course is designed to establish from the scriptures, it’s the will of God to heal all today. Scriptural support for the principles of healing and an understanding of the importance of God’s Word as the foundation for healing will be examined. Proof will be established that God is not only able to heal, but as a result of His compassion and mercy has made provision for healing through the finished work of Jesus.
BIB108 The Life of Christ – 3 Units
This course examines the person and ministry of Jesus revealed through a study of the Gospels and beyond. Focus will be on His message, miracles, being about His Father’s business and triumphantly fulfilling His mission. His nature as revealed in Old Testament types and New Testament examples will inspire a very real relationship with the Eternal King.
BIB111 The Blessing – 4 Units
God’s first words to man were words of blessing. This course reveals God’s original intent and connection to His man, not as a spiritual concept but a material reality. THE BLESSING and the historical and spiritual journey surrounding it, are examined in scripture. Students will recognize a sharp contrast between the world’s system and God’s system of operation as spiritual laws governing prosperity are revealed. Discovery of the true nature of God, which is His desire to demonstrate His love and goodness, will create a secure foundation from which students can receive all that encompasses God’s prosperous plan for His children.
BIB112 Holy Spirit – 3 Units
This course provides a Biblical understanding of the Person and operation of the Holy Spirit. Students will learn principles to help them recognize and respond to the voice of the Lord in prayer and beyond. In this course, students will also learn how to walk in the power of God and receive revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit for victorious living and service.
BIB113 Foundations of Faith – 4 Units
In this course students will become familiar with the God kind of faith, which is the same faith God placed in every believer. Foundational scripture truths explored will include the integrity of God’s Word, the authority of Jesus’ name, identification with Jesus’ redemptive substitution, understanding the believer’s position of right standing in Christ and development of a strong spirit. Students will learn about spiritual and physical laws governing the measure of faith granted to all believers and how to purposely exercise that faith for victorious living.
FIN101 Budget and Finance – 1 Unit
The Bible has a lot to say about the benefits, issues and pitfalls of managing personal finances. Students can expect to learn about budgeting, taxes, saving and investing as stewardship based on God’s plan for their finances.
HIS101 The Jews, The Nations and The Church – 1 Unit
This course examines three “people groups” described in scripture, defining their connections with one another through history, culture and worldview. Special attention will be given to the covenants and the Hebrew roots of Christianity from type and shadow of fulfillment and restoration of the land. Emphasis will also be placed on the book of Revelation and understanding how to determine which of these three groups of people are written to, or about, in any given passage. This will help students discover their role in the great and triumphant end-time future God has planned.
MIN101 / MIN102 Ministry Survey & Practicum I & II – 0 Units
This course sequence supports the direct ministry experiences gained in practicum placements each semester. By providing a classroom setting for reflective activities, students will be able to process what they are drawing from those experiences. This course also provides an overview of five-fold Ministry and Helps Ministry utilizing staff from various ministry areas and a variety of speakers to further enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of ministry, helping them to discover their unique ministry callings. Students are required to serve 30 hours per semester in various areas of Kenneth Copeland Ministries / Eagle Mountain International Church.
MIN103 Ethics: Honour, Integrity and Excellence – 2 Units
God has established divine order in all He does. This course explores the supernatural power of God revealed in moral discernment and Christian ethics. Honour carries and is supported by the supernatural power of God; however, today’s society is largely dishonourable because the concept of honour is not being passed on generationally. This powerful and scriptural look at the Biblical definition of honour will challenge students to live an honourable life, serving God on purpose with integrity and excellence, thereby qualifying themselves for the work of the ministry.
MIN104 / 105 Ministry Seminar I & II (Special Topics) – 1 Unit
Essential topics in ministry will be highlighted by staff and guest instructors. Emphasis will be placed on applying what is being learned in the other courses to ministry and life. This course is interactive and will include a variety of learning activities providing a foundational thread for seminar topics covered.
MIS101 Personal Evangelism – 1 Unit
Personal evangelism is the responsibility of every Christian. This course teaches students how to share Jesus without fear. Students will learn various strategies of personal evangelism and how to respond to the most common objections encountered in evangelistic ministry. Students will also recognize the importance of connecting new converts to a discipleship support system, thus equipping them for spiritual growth and development as a new creation in Christ.
We invite you to learn more about Kenneth Copeland Bible College and prayerfully consider if this is your next step in God’s plan for your life.
Now Accepting Canadian Applications for FALL 2024!
Admission requirements:
- Complete application
- $100 CAD non-refundable application fee
- 18 years of age or older (Note: You must be 18 yrs. of age by the time the Fall semester begins, Grade 12 students are welcome to apply)
- High School transcript/GED equivalent or higher (Note: You must have earned a GED or High School Diploma by the time the Fall semester begins, Grade 12 students are welcome to apply)
- Transcripts may be sent to: info@kcbiblecollege.ca OR KCBC Canada, Attention: Admissions, 20135 93A Ave. Langley, BC V1M 4A9
- 1 Pastoral Recommendation
- 2 Personal Recommendations
- Must be a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen
If you have more questions or want to talk with one of our staff you can call us at 1-877-480-3388 or email us at info@kcbiblecollege.ca
Interested in KCBC in Fort Worth, Texas in the US?
Visit www.kcbiblecollege.org

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