Freedom From Mental Illness
A Story of Recovery
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Paralyzing anxiety, fear of death, panic attacks, hearing voices, debilitating depression… Sean Miller spent years suffering from severe mental illness.
Medical experts told him that he needed to be placed in chronic care and be medicated for life.
When it seemed like all hope was lost, his wife Doris turned to God’s Word.
Watch Sean and Doris Miller’s testimony and discover the God of the breakthrough in our midst.

Thrive Mental Health
Since his recovery, Sean and Doris Miller have co-founded Thrive Mental Health, an informational resource provider advocating for those affected by mental illness and empowering them for recovery.
They have also created a documentary that chronicles Sean’s recovery journey entitled, “When the Voices Fell Silent.”
To learn more about Thrive Mental Health and the documentary please visit their website: http://thrivementalhealth.ca/
Dr. Don Colbert
Dr. Don Colbert is a medical doctor (board certified in anti-aging medicine and family practice), a New York Times Bestselling author and a guest on the Dr. Oz show. Dr. Colbert played an integral role in Sean’s recovery and is featured in Sean and Doris’ documentary, When the Voices Fell Silent, where he speaks to the impact of inflammation on mental health.
To learn more about Dr. Colbert and the treatments he offers, visit his website here: https://drcolbert.com/

Freedom From Fear eBook by Kenneth Copeland
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